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Tampilkan postingan dengan label software. Tampilkan semua postingan


Flashdisk Defender

Flashdisk Defender :

Dengan proteksi aplikasi ini komputer agan akan menjadi lebih aman lagi dari serangan” virus, terutama virus-virus yang berasal dari flashdisk, dari hasil penelusuran dan penelitian pengguna komputer yang terinfeksi virus kebanyakan bersumber dari flashdisk, dimana flashdisk sendiri merupakan tempat pertukaran data yang paling efisin sekarang ini, hal ini juga menyebabkan virus dapat menyebar dengan cepat melalui perantara media flashdisk ini, dengan adanya aplikasi yang ane ciptakan ini, mudah”an di tahun 2012 ini pengguna komputer diseluruh indonesia dapat terlindungi dari berbagai serangan virus yang datang dari flashdisk, baik virus yg akan datang maupun virus yang sudah terdeteksi oleh antivirus, dengan aplikasi ini Insya Allah komputer agan terhindar dari serangan virus” tersebut.

Aplikasi ini bukanlah sebuah antivirus melainkan sebuah aplkasi tool sederhana pencegah datangnya virus, aplikasi ini tidak dapat menyembuhkan komputer yang sudah terinfkesi virus, untuk itu agan juga disarankan memasang antivirus dikomputernya agar perlindungan dikomputer agan jauh lebih maksimal.

fitur utama
1. Autorun.inf Cleaner
Autorun.inf merupakan salah satu launcher virus yang cukup berbahaya, karena dengan memanfaatkan file ini virus dapat aktif secara otomatis begitu flashdsik dicolokan dan akan langsung menginfkesi komputer tanpa sepengetahuan. dengan adanya fitur ini virus yang memanfaatkan Autorun.inf akan langsung dibersihkan, sehingga komputer anda terhindar dari serangan luncher virus autorun.inf ini.

2. Recycler Cleaner
Virus-virus yang bersarang di flashdisk biasanya bersembunyi didalam folder ini, karena dengan folder menyerupai nama Recycle Bin, virus dapat mengelabui user yang akan mengira itu adalah folder Recycle Bin, maka virus akan tetap aman bersemnyi deidalam folder Recycler. Dengan fitur “Recycler Cleaner” ini folder Recycler akan langsung dibersihkan, sehingga virus yang bersembunyi juga akan ikut dibersihkan,

3. Shortcut Cleaner
Shortcut saat ini merupakan launcher virus yang sangat berbahaya, karena kebanyakan virus sekarang memanfaatkan shortcut ini untuk menyebarkan diri, apalagi dengan adanya shortcut exploit, virus dapat aktif tanpa sepengetahuan user hanya dengan membuka isi flashdisk, dengan adanya fitur ini serangan shortcut virus dapat dicegah dengan cepat, sehinga infeksi virus dapat di minimalisir agar komputer tetap terjaga dari infkesi virus.

4. Hidden Cleaner
Data-data anda baik itu folder maupun file yang telah disembunyikan oleh virus didalam flashdisk dengan fitur ini semua data-data anda akan dikembalikan seperti semula, jadi ngk usah panik klo anda mengira filenya telah dihapus oleh virus, syp tau cuma disembunyikan aja, fitur ini yang akan mengembalikan semua data-data anda yang telah disembunyikan oleh virus.

Dengan penggunaan Resource Cpu & Memory yang kecil, aplikasi ini tidak akan membuat komputer agan menjadi lambat, lemot, atau berat ketika dijalankan

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PDF Unlocker

PDF Unlocker :

Sebuah program yang mungkin agan butuhkan untuk dapat mengubah atau sekedar mengedit file Pdf yang terkunci. Dengan adanya software ini, maka agan akan dengan mudah mengedit file Pdf yang terkunci. Sekedar info daja, software ini bernama PDF Unlocker yang merupakan aplikasi yang digunakan untuk membuka file PDF yang diproteksi. File Pdf yang diproteksi biasanya hanya dapat di baca dan di print saja, tanpa kita bisa mengedit atau hanya sekedar mengkopynya. Semoga software ini tidak akan menurunkan tingkat kreativita dan daya intelektualitas agan2. Dengan adanya software ini akan mungkin akan mengurangi sedikit pekerjaan agan, namun tetap harus menjaga tingkat kreativitas dari agan2 (no plagiat). Untuk mendapatkan aplikasi ini silahkan download saja gan disini

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Software Presentasi Alternatif

Software Presentasi Alternatif :

Articulate Studio '09

Hallo Gan, bosen sama software microsoft power point yang gitu-gitu aja?? ni ada alternative software lain yang menurut ane sangat layak dicoba.cocok buat anak kuliahan yg serba sibuk buat presentasi. Software alternatif presentasi ini adalah Articulate Studio '09

Articulate studio ’09 udah temasuk:
-Articulate Presenter ‘09
-Articulate Engage ‘09
-Articulate Quizmaker ‘09
-Video Encoder ‘09

Waktu installasi ada pilihannya mw install yang mana aja ?
Sekedar info saja gan, saran seh install semuanya, soalnya software2 yang tarsemat diatas saling mendukung.

Feature-2 nya antara lain:
- Articulate terintegrasi dengan Microsoft Powerpoint
- Mudah digunakan dan terdapat banyak tutorial
- Flash Based
- Tampilan jauh lebih modern dan kaya warna dibandnig MS Power Point
- File output bisa dibuka pake web browser, jadi ga usah takut file ga bisa dibuka di kompi lain kos pake firefox aja udah bisa jalan n kompi lain ga perlu install articulate nya.

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Pdf Converter to Word

Pdf Converter to Word :

Pdf to Word merupakan software yang digunakan untuk merubah file Pdf mejadi file Word. Sofware ini friendly interface sehingga sangat mudah untuk digunakan, dengan size yang ringan 4MB.

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sekedar info saja, jika agan pengen software converter Pdf to Word yang lebih mantap, berikut adalah software Converter Pdf to word dengan size yang lumayan gede 40 MB. Sofwware ini dikasih nama "NITRO PDF"...

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software resize foto dlm 1 folder

software resize foto dlm 1 folder :

PIXresizer is a photo resizing program to easily create web and e-mail friendly versions of your images with reduced file sizes.

The reduced files are saved in a different folder, so your original images are not altered at all. PIXresizer offers several different resizing methods to choose from and can automatically recognize image sizes to calculate the best fit. In addition, it can convert between image formats (JPEG, GIF, BMP, PNG and TIFF), rotate images, convert to grayscale and resize multiple images in batch mode. It also allows you to keep the original EXIF information from your images. A great companion for webmasters and digital photographers.

Options/Features :

- Simple Four-Step Workflow

- Easy 'Apply recommended' option to make it even more user friendly

- Works with single files as well as with multiple files all at once

- Option to convert between graphics formats (.bmp, .gif, .jpg, .png, and .tif)

- Can be used to create thumbnails (takes one move on a slider)

- Smart Ratio Calculation (image proportions can be overruled by the user)

- EXIF support, JPEG compression, TIFF compression, DPI settings

- Runs on Windows 98/ME/NT4/2k/2k3/2k8/XP/Vista/7

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                                                                                                                                                                    source : http://www.kaskus.us/showthread.php?t=12891346
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Photoshop CS5 Extended

Photoshop CS5 Extended :
What is Photoshop CS5 Extended and who is it for?

Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended software delivers all of the unrivaled image-editing power of industry-standard Photoshop CS5 plus much more, including breakthrough 3D image creation, editing, and painting; rich motion graphics editing; and powerful image analysis. Photoshop CS5 Extended is ideal for:

* Creative professionals who create and edit imagery to be used across a variety of media
* Educators who prepare students for careers in photography, design, video, architecture, medicine, and science
* Video professionals who design and edit digital images for storyboarding, previsualization, frame editing, matte painting, animating 3D objects, compositing, and title design
* Manufacturing and design engineers who develop product concepts, create specifications, and design 2D and 3D prototypes by visualizing their ideas and collaborating with designers, fabricators, and regulators
* Architects, engineers, and construction professionals who create structural drawings and edit 3D textures to communicate complex and technical ideas to clients, regulators, and colleagues
* Scientific, healthcare, and medical professionals who need to visualize their theories and present their findings, as well as analyze images and measure information without altering the original image data

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Photoshop Video Tutorials

Photoshop Video Tutorials :

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100 Great Photoshop _Video Tutorials

100 Great Photoshop Video Tutorials
English | Flash Video | 600 x 460 | FLV | 23.000 fps 400 kbps | MPEG Audio 96.0 kbps | 1.8 GB
Genre: eLearning

A great collection of training videos for PhotoShop lovers that will help you to learn some of the best tricks and techniques. A nice series of learning videos made for Photoshop medium and advance kind of users.

Distorted 3D Grid Web Team
Warped Mist Corey Barker
Ring of Fire Corey Barker
Lighting on Multiple Surfaces Corey Barker
Abstraction Corey Barker
Graphic Texture Corey Barker
Extreme Edges Corey Barker
Degrees of Masking Corey Barker
Reflections Revisited Corey Barker
Need For Speed Corey Barker
Highlight Blowout Corey Barker
Custom Text Brushes Corey Barker
Graphic on Mug Corey Barker
Follow The Evidence Corey Barker
Shooting Star Corey Barker
Sunset Silhouette Corey Barker
Got a Light Corey Barker
Create Background Corey Barker
Masking with Channels Corey Barker
Quick Makeover Corey Barker
Type with Texture Corey Barker
Multi Box Design Corey Barker
Scatter Brush Masking Corey Barker
Line Drawing to Photo Corey Barker
Painting Motion Corey Barker
Add Pizazz Rick Sammon
Energetic Burst Corey Barker
The Power of Layer Styles Corey Barker
Design With Alpha Channel Corey Barker
Vanishing Point Corey Barker
Pattern Maker Corey Barker
Animated Transitions Corey Barker
Beads of Sweat Effect Corey Barker
The Davinci Design
Remove Noise Corey Barker
Photo to Drawing Corey Barker
Folds and creases Corey Barker
Dramatic Color Effects Corey Barker
Animated Rain Corey Barker
Design With Grids Corey Barker
Animating Color Transitions Corey Barker
Text Shape Layers Corey Barker
Borders Under a Minute Corey Barker
Custom Coins Corey Barker
Natural Brushes Corey Barker
Home: http://sevno.com/

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FULL SPEED PRO 3.6 merupakan salah satu internet accelerator paling terbukti meningkatkan kecepatan koneksi internet dan menjadi salah satu software favorit dikalangan para peselancar didunia maya. FULL SPEED PRO 3.6 mampu meningkatkan kecepatan saat sedang terhubung dengan koneksi internet. Dibandingkan dengan software software lainya, FULL SPEED PRO 3.6 bisa dikatakan lebih efektif dalam meningkatkan kecepatan koneksi internet. Menurut di website resminya Full Speed mampu meningkatkan kecepatan 5½ X faster Internet Explorer, 5 X faster Mozilla Firefox, 3 X faster downloading dan 4 X increase in peak download speeds.
Untuk dapat menggunakan aplikasi ini silahkan ikuti rule dibawah ini...

aturan pakai

- Instal Full Speed seperti biasa
- Dalam paket download terdapat dua buah software ollydbg dan vb_decompiler sebagai tools untuk mendapatkan serial atau key Full Speed
- Instal vb_decompiler dan ollydbg bentuknya portable
- Jalankan vb_decompiler
- Pada menu vb_decompiler pilih File -> Open program lalu arahkan ke C:\Program Files\’Full Speed’ Internet Booster + Performance Tests/FullSpeed.exe kemudian klik tombol Open lalu OK
- Pada Objects Tree masuk ke enterkey_OLESetData dengan cara klik 2 x pada enterkey_OLESetData dan tunggu beberapa saat sampai proses selesai 100%



- Kemudian pada menu vb_decompile pilih Tools -> Search String pada kolom string masukan FCOMP dan klik tombol Find
- Pada bagin kiri fcomp terlihat kode yang nantinya akan dipakai pada tahap selanjutnya. Tes yang saya lakukan terlihat kode 00448A0A dan kode tersebut berbeda pada tiap komputer

- Jalankan ollydbg pada menu pilih File -> Open dan arahkan ke C:\Program Files\’Full Speed’ Internet Booster + Performance Tests/FullSpeed.exe lalu klik tombol Open
- Setelah kode tersebut dapat klik pada kode kemudian tekan F2 pada keyboard untuk melakukan Breakpoint dan akan terlihat warna merah pada kode
- Selanjutnya jalankan Full Speed dari ollydbg dengan cara menekan F9 pada keyboard
- Pada menu Full speed pilih License -> License Full Speed
- Kemudian masukan 1234567 pada kolom Enter Your Unlock Key lalu tekan tombol Enter

- Setelah kita tekan tombol Enter silahkan lihat pada ollydbg akan terlihat beberapa baris kode

- Lihat pada bagian gambar di atas yang diberi lingkaran merah disitu akan terlihat kode yang merupakan serial atau key untuk membuka Full Speed
- Catat kode tersebut di tempat lain (contoh : notepad)
- Tutup ollydbg dan vb_decompiler
- Silahkan lakukan Unlock key Full Speed seperti biasa dengan menggunakan Serial yang didapatkan di ollydbg

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bila masih bingung visit http://www.kaskus.us/showthread.php?t=7957018
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Adobe Photoshop CS6 v13.0

Adobe Photoshop CS6 v13.0 :
Adobe Photoshop CS6 sudah ada, tapi itu masih sebatas Pre Release, ini berita resminya.

Adobe Photoshop CS6 v13.0 Pre Release Incl KEYMAKER – CORE

Adobe Photoshop CS6 software delivers breakthrough capabilities for
superior image selections, image retouching,realistic painting, and 3D
extrusions. Experience 64-bit support for fast performance as well as
dozens of time-savers throughout your workflow.

Create images with instant impact with Adobe Photoshop CS6-the industry
standard in digital imaging software. Adobe Photoshop CS6 redefines
digital imaging with powerful new photography tools and breakthrough
capabilities f complex image selections, realistic painting and
intelligent retouching. Easily select and mask intricate image content
such as hair. Remove any image element and watch the space fill in
almost magically. Create stunning high dynamic range (HDR) images. Paint
with realistic strokes and colour blends. Remove noise, add grain and
create vignettes with state-of-the-art photography tools.

Install Notes :

A few notes about this pre-release.Serials will expire after ~1 year,
like all of Adobe pre-releases.It also uses different server to verify
activation so unless you have the server below blocked you’ll want to
use hosts file patch button again.In this release it will only patch for
pre-release server, not regular one. Enjoy!

Add the following line to your hosts file located in

C:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts: practivate.adobe.com 

Source : Roy Suryo


about:Adobe Photoshop CS6 - a program for processing raster graphics. Supports numerous graphic formats. Adobe Photoshop allows you to create new images and edit them. Photoshop used to create photorealistic images to work with color scanned images, retouching, color correction, transformation of graphs, color separation, etc. Adobe Photoshop has all the methods of working with bitmaps, in this case is to work with layers and uses contours. The program is the undisputed leader among professional graphic editors due to its widest possibilities, high efficiency and speed. Adobe Photoshop provides all the necessary tools for correcting, editing, preparing images for printing and high quality output.

The newest version of Adobe ® Photoshop ® CS6 software redefines digital imaging with breakthrough tools for photography editing, superior image selections, realistic painting, and more. And now, use it with creativity-boosting mobile apps. Adobe Photoshop CS6 software delivers breakthrough capabilities for superior image selections, image retouching, realistic painting, and 3D extrusions. Experience 64-bit support for fast performance as well as dozens of time-savers throughout your workflow.

  • Automatic lens correction :
    Save time with automatic correction of lens distortions, chromatic aberration, and vignetting. Photoshop CS5 uses an image file \ 's EXIF ??data to make precise adjustments based on the type of camera and lens you used.

  • Lens Correction filter improvements :
    Work more intuitively with the Lens Correction filter. Grid display is off by default; chromatic aberration correction sliders allow decimal point adjustments; a third slider can correct common green / magenta aberrations; and more.

  • Straighten Image tool :
    Quickly straighten any crooked image. Simply drag a straight line from the Ruler tool onto your image, and the image will snap to the line.

  • Gradient tool preset for neutral density :
    Use the Neutral Density preset to emulate a neutral density filter, clicking once to have the Gradient tool darken an overexposed patch of a photo while leaving the rest unaltered.

  • Complex selections made easy:
    Select specific areas within an image in fewer clicks. Easily select intricate image elements, such as hair; eliminate background color around selection edges; and automatically vary selection edges and perfect masks using new refinement tools.

  • Content-Aware Fill :
    Remove any image detail or object and watch as Content-Aware Fill magically fills in the space left behind. This breakthrough technology matches lighting, tone, and noise so it looks as if the removed content never existed.

  • Superior HDR imaging :
    Create photo-realistic or surreal HDR images with unprecedented speed and control. Get better-than-ever results thanks to automatic ghost removal and greater control with tone mapping and adjustments, and even give single-exposure photos the look of HDR.

  • Extraordinary painting effects:
    Easily change a photograph into a painting or create unique artistic effects with the Mixer Brush, which offers on-canvas color blending, and Bristle Tips, which let you create lifelike, textured brush strokes.

  • Content-Aware Fill :
    Remove any image detail or object and watch as Content-Aware Fill magically fills in the space left behind. This breakthrough technology matches lighting, tone, and noise so it looks as if the removed content never existed.

  • Extraordinary creative tools :
    Achieve realistic painting effects with the ability to mix colors on canvas and create natural brushstrokes. Merge multiple exposures into stunning high dynamic range (HDR) images. Move, remove, warp, or stretch any image element.

  • State-of-the-art photography :
    Easily merge multiple exposures to extend the dynamic range with more power, precision, and fidelity than ever before. Convert to black-and-white in new ways. And use Dodge, Burn, and Sponge tools that intelligently preserve color and tone details.

  • Easy access to core editing power :
    Get just the tools you need - exactly when you need them - as you perform common editing activities. Adjustments and Masks panels guide you in making precise adjustments and masks.

A revolutionary tool for Content-Aware Fill with developed intellect can instantly remove any object or part of the image carrying fill the space with the light of the other parts of the image. He just picks up light, tone and noise, depending on the surrounding area, which allows to eliminate any traces of the deleted object. With the new Refine Edge tool, users can perform the selection, which was virtually unavailable earlier. Innovative technology accurately detects and creates a mask for the most complex types of objects, such as hair or foliage of trees, while not capturing the background.

With the advent of Photoshop CS6 photographers have access to a function of the new generation to create images with high dynamic range (HDR). Combining pictures with different exposures into one HDR image, Photoshop CS6 accurately retains the full range of key scenes. New technology HDR Pro to eliminate spurious distortions and provides more precise control of the tone mapping. With features HDR rendering, users can simulate spectacular HDR images using a single image.

Photoshop CS6 includes revolutionary tools to enhance the creative potential of users. Brand new drawing tools include a tool Mixer Brush, who mixes an infinite number of colors on one brush tool Bristle Tips, creating the effect of smear brush. With Puppet Warp tool, users can change the position or view of any element in an image, for example, straightened his bent arm on the photos or adjust an image of the landscape to create a new spatial perspective.

Among the most interesting innovations are the following:
"Technology Truer Edge, improves the definition of the boundaries of objects in the photographs.
"Tools of the Content-Aware Fill to remove from the image of an object and automatically fill the space with the relevant content.
"Advanced tools for working with HDR-images, which include tool HDR Pro, which improved removal of artifacts and image adjustments. Using the HDR-toning, you can simulate the look of the HDR-image to the usual picture.
"Tools Mixer Brush, blending the colors in one brush
"Puppet Warp Tool for the strain of any element of the image. It can, for example, change the landscape to create a different perspective, or to straighten a bent arm.
"The ability to save 16-bit images in JPEG.
"Custom mini-bar Adobe Mini Bridge for fast file management, which is available directly from the application.

New features:
»« Smart Object »become even smarter. Thanks to "infinitely" scalable vectors based on the data of image pixels, the new Photoshop is able to perform operations such as deformation, interpolation, canvas rotation, 3D-manipulation, etc.
"There are new drawing tools and graphics. "Dynamic brush" - with more settings, dryness, toughness, transparency, full emulation of this brush.
"The integration of static images from video taken by DSLR-camera.
"The ability to voice control operations in conjunction with the keyboard and mouse.
"Dynamic layers. "Smart" layers which can be manipulated in real time and that can dynamically interact with other layers.
"Advanced distortion correction. The ideal solution for the correction of panoramic and architectural shots.
"Easier to switch between screens, and optimization of image resolution for different monitors.
"Thanks to the increase in performance workflow operations will now take less time.

Information about the software

Title: Adobe Photoshop

Year: 2011

Category: Graphics & Design
/Developer: Adobe

On the file:

Enabling | reg code: there

Language: ENG/MULTI

File format: rar

Platform / OS: Microsoft Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7

File size: 2.05 GB

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AAA Logo

AAA Logo :
Tag Image/Gambar Untuk Optimasi SEO
Info buat agan yang memiliki hobi design berbagai logo, ane memiliki sebuah software yang dapat agan gunakan untuk membuat logo agan. Sekedar referensi saja, ini gan software designer logo yang ane miliki AAA Logo.  AAA Logo merupakan sebuah aplikasi designer logo yang dapat digunakan untuk membuat sebuah design sederhana. Dengan menggunakan aplikasi designer logo "AAA Logo" anda dapat berkreasi menciptakan logo anda sendiri. Cara penggunaan aplikasi ini tidaklah sulit, dengan tampilanya yang elegan sehingga mudah untuk dipahami oleh user. AAA Logo merupakan sebuah free download softwrare yang disediakan oleh website dari pembuat AAA Logo sendiri.

Berikut referensi singkat tentang aplikasi designer logo "AAA Logo"

- Not just for Logo Design !

With AAA Logo you can create almost any type of website graphics or business graphics for high resolution printing. Logos, banners, buttons, headers and icons for your website with rich colors, gradients, shadows and reflections. Business graphics such as business cards, letterheads, posters and other business stationery can be designed and printed directly from AAA Logo or created images can be exported for use with other applications

- Design logos / business graphics in any industry
- Create professional, high resolution images in clicks
- Get started without having to open a manual

System Requirements

Operating System        : Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7
Memory                       : 512Mb or more recommended
CPU                              : Pentium processor minimum
Free hard drive space  : 50Mb

Lihat informasi lengkapnya di http://www.aaa-logo.com/

Silahkan download softwarenya di www.aaa-logo.com dalam versi trialnya.
Untuk mendapatkan jamunya silahkan klik disini

Software Converter Pdf to Word